It was truly a great blessing! I do not ever recall being a part of such a Spirit-filled community event. Six of the sixteen Christian churches in Hutto united to praise the name of Jesus and to thank God for all that He has done. The unified praise team came together for the gospel, and made a joyous noise of thanks and adoration of Almight God!
This is the third Hutto Community Thankgiving Service I've participated in. Pastor Tim Muhlbrad of Hutto Lutheran Church is culprit in getting pastors together. There were 121 folks that attended. We collected $314 for the Hope Pregnancy Center in Hutto, and some non-preishable items for the Food Pantry. We also had a Turkey Raffle, that was won by my daughter. I caught some grief over that, but she had found a needy home for it, before the "comradery" caught up with me.
The following churches participated ...
Praise God for the Great Things He Hath Done!
The following churches participated ...
New Hope Christian Church, Michael Roepke, MinisterPastor McGilveary preached a good word on being thankful for whatever you have and whatever situtation you're in. I was priveledge to read President Theodore Roosevelt's final Thanksgiving Proclamation (1908). Read more on Roosevelt's proclamation here >>
New Revelation Baptist Church, Pastor F.L. Harris
Family of God Church, Pastor Chris Ross
LaHermosa Church of Hutto, Pastor Jerry Reynaga
Hutto Lutheran Church, Pastor Tim Muhlbrad
Straight Gate Fellowship, Pastor James McGilveary
Praise God for the Great Things He Hath Done!